AAETT Memberships Levels
Regular Member
Regular Membership in AAETT is open to anyone interested in education about equine therapeutics, collaborative efforts among all parties who care for horses, advocating for industry-wide educational standards, and supporting the equine supportive care industry as a whole. This includes professional therapists & technicians, but also vets, farriers, nutritionists, trainers, horse owners, and everyone involved in the horse industry or who advocates for horses.
Regular Membership includes full voting rights, the ability to serve 0n committees and hold office, and full membership benefits as determined by the Board of Directors. It offers Educational Opportunities, a Special Members' Rate for the Annual Conference, and connects you to a Network of like-minded Equine Care Professionals. Your membership will help advance recognition of supporting modalities by Regulating Bodies.
The introductory price for Regular Membership is $100.00 per Year.

Student Member
A Student Membership to AAETT is for students enrolled and active in a college or university degree program that supports the Equine Care Industry; or in animal massage programs approved by NBCAAM. Review processes are in development by the American Association of Equine Therapists & Technicians to identify additional programs that will qualify applicants for student membership rates. Pre-approval is required to validate your enrollment in a recognized program - please email aaett.org@gmail.com and provide evidence of your enrollment (student ID with date, email of enrollment, or written confirmation from your program director). Once approved you will be given a Discount Code for 75% off your Regular Membership price for up to 4 years.
Student Members do receive full membership benefits as defined by the Board of Directors. A Student Membership offers Educational Opportunities, a Special Members Rate for the Annual Conference, and connects you with a network of like-minded Equine Care Professionals and potential mentors as you grow into your future career. Your membership will help AAETT advance recognition of supporting modalities by Regulating Bodies.
Student Membership expires after 4 Years, or sooner if your educational program is shorter in duration.