Alliance Member - Associations, Organizations, Corporations, & Groups
Alliance Memberships are available to associations, organizations, corporations, and groups in good standing; educational institutions offering equine-related programs (Educational Partnerships); or other organizations approved by the Board of Directors.
Entities wishing to join as Alliance Members must meet certain criteria which can be found in the AAETT ByLaws. Alliance Membership offers the opportunity to network with Equine Care Professionals. Alliance Members will be offered space on the Modalities and / or Education website pages as applicable, to link to their specific brands and educational content. These listings will be on a first come, first served basis, and no exclusivity will be offered.
Alliance Members will not have voting rights or be eligible to hold office. Membership will help AAETT advance recognition of supporting modalities by Regulating Bodies.
The price for Alliance Membership is customizable to each Alliance Member, as agreed to by the AAETT Board of Directors and the Alliance Member.
Please contact for additional information and to become an Alliance Member and / or Educational Partner.
Alliance Membership
Educational Partners
Alliance Memberships are available to associations, organizations, corporations, and groups in good standing; educational institutions offering equine-related programs; or other organizations approved by the Board of Directors.
Entities wishing to join as Alliance Members must meet certain criteria which can be found in the AAETT By-Laws (Article II, Section 1, 11). Alliance Membership offers the opportunity to network with Equine Care Professionals. Alliance Members will be offered space on the Modalities and Education website pages to link to their specific brands and educational content. These listings will be on a first-come, first-served basis, and no exclusivity will be offered.
Alliance Members will not have voting rights or be eligible to hold office. Membership will help AAETT advance recognition of supporting modalities by Regulating Bodies.
The price for Alliance Membership is customizable to each Alliance Member, as agreed to by the AAETT Board of Directors and the Alliance Member.